
TruSeva is the service segment of our brand, where any grower can benefit by taking agronomical as well as technical services for their farm. This will not only maximize yield but also provide knowledge on how to work smarter instead of harder.

TruKisan a community of farmers who recognize each other for their efforts and their progress towards advanced farming. This community thrives on adopting modern techniques and promoting them locally and nationally.


TruSeva is the service segment of our brand, where any grower can benefit by taking agronomical as well as technical services for their farm. This will not only maximize yield but also provide knowledge on how to work smarter instead of harder.


Tru Kisan is renowned for their extensive knowledge of modern technology, advanced agricultural methods, and Tru Seva services, making them an advanced figure in today’s society.

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क्या आप आधुनिक किसान हैं!


क्या आप आधुनिक किसान हैं!

Farmers are the backbone of our company and for them we offer high-tech products, to make a successful journey towards modern farming. A farmer faces lot of challenges and hurdles to grow a crop, but the effort and vision to find solutions for his challenges makes him a successful and a modern farmer. Aadhunik Kisan (Modern Farmer) is the one, who adopts advanced techniques and consumes TruKheti products for better crop health and growth. Aadhunik Kisan also takes benefit of TruSeva programs and educates himself with advancements happening in agriculture industry. Anyone can become an ‘Aadhunik Kisan’ and can bring change to his life and his farm. Use the link below and know more about an ‘Aadhunik Kisan’.

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About Our Roots!

Samvardhan Greentech Pvt. Ltd. is an emerging producer of quality agriculture products. We provide end to solutions for Micro Irrigation and Crop Protection techniques. As the name suggests Samvardhan (meaning: to Prosper Together) is committed towards developing and implementing advanced farming techniques and grow together with our partners .Founded in 2021 as a subsidiary of Sigma Group, Samvardhan is focused towards producing premium products at affordable prices. TruKheti is the parent brand of all products manufactured and marketed by Samvardhan Greentech Pvt. Ltd. Our product range includes Drip Line, Mulch Film, Sprinklers, Greenhouse/Poly House, Pond Liners, Drying House, etc. We also have a unique service model by the name ‘TruSeva’ and a community of growers by the name ‘TruKisan’, which are focused towards implement and promoting advanced farming practices.



In B2C channel customers can purchase TruKheti products through our indirect channel. We have network of dealers and distributors across multiple states.

The B2B channel is for corporate / industrial segments where solutions for large scale farming is required. Here companies can contract our services and products for customized farming solutions as per their crop plans.

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Associated Farmers
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Years of plastics experience
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Crop solutions available
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Acres covered with TruKheti Products

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Experience the Difference with TruKheti!

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Our team is dedicated to creating universal change in modern farming using trukheti advanced technics